Welcome to the Ambition Lawrence Weston 'Our Bigger Story' website. This is part of the multi media evaluation of 15 Big Local areas in England. The website is an opportunity to follow what is changing in Lawrence Weston as a result of Big Local over a ten year period.
The aim of the website is to share the learning from everything that is happening in Lawrence Weston with other Big Local areas and highlight what works in communities with a wider audience of practitioners and policy makers.
The second community plan 2018-2023 for Lawrence Weston (A Joint Responsibility for our Community) was launched at an event on 28th June 2018 at the local Youth Centre. The day introduced an exciting baseline evaluation of the health and wellbeing impact of the proposed community hub, which is a joint project between Ambition Lawrence Weston, NHS England and Bristol City Council which will continue in the coming years to review progress. The highlights of the community plan were also presented - with the focus on nine key objectives - ranging from environmental improvements, green energy initiatives, increasing housing choice, health and, wellbeing, children and young people and local facilities.