Welcome to the Ramsey 'Our Bigger Story' website. This is part of the multi media evaluation of 15 Big Local areas in England. The website is an opportunity to follow what is changing in Ramsey as a result of Big Local over a ten year period.
The aim of the website is to share the learning from everything that is happening in Ramsey with other Big Local areas and highlight what works in communities with a wider audience of practitioners and policy makers.
Over the last couple of years, a very effective working relationship has developed between the Big Local partnership and the Town Council. In this film, Steve Corney, the mayor of Ramsey Town Council, and Gill Rayment and Roger Brereton from Big Local, talk about the benefits to the town of working well together. Steve describes the relationship and Gill and Roger, who are now themselves members of the Town Council, talk about what they are bringing to their councilor roles from experience of Big Local.