Welcome to the Hanwell 'Our Bigger Story' website. This is part of the multi media evaluation of 15 Big Local areas in England. The website is an opportunity to follow what is changing in Hanwell as a result of Big Local over a ten year period.
The aim of the website is to share the learning from everything that is happening in Hanwell with other Big Local areas and highlight what works in communities with a wider audience of practitioners and policy makers.
Hanwell Big Local's Summer Holiday Club for children aged 5-12 years living in the Hanwell Big Local Area. They did a variety of Arts and crafts and sports activities.They helped out along side cultivate London with planting and watering the trees/flowers, Cooking-making pasta salad and cupcakes. They had a slime workshop day which went down very well with the children,a football tournament and after a fab two weeks they ended it with a trip to Rush and Go Ape which went down a treat.